National Convention for Life: Lila Rose - Exposing the Abortion Industry

by admin, 10 years ago
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Lila Rose is the president of Live Action, a new media nonprofit dedicated to ending abortion and building a culture of life.

Lila founded Live Action when she was fifteen years old. The group uses new media to teach the public about the humanity of the unborn and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenseless.

As Live Action's president, Lila leads undercover investigations into America's most notorious abortion facilities, shining a light on the greatest human rights abuse of our time through national media campaigns. Live Action also focuses on educating youth across the country, using its student magazine, The Advocate, and in-depth education programs to spread the truth about human dignity, equal protection for all people, and the evils of the abortion industry. Live Action hosts Live Action News, a widely read pro-life news site, and oversees the largest pro-life social media platform on the web, including over 600,000 Facebook fans and over 30,000 followers on Twitter.

Lila is a regular guest on The O'Reilly Factor, Hannity, The Laura Ingraham Show, as well as many other national TV and radio programs. Her work has been featured on practically every major news outlet, from CBS to CNN, from the Los Angeles Times to the Washington Post. Lila has also written for USA Today, First Things, Politico, and others.

Recently, Lila was named among Red Alert's "30 under 30" and among National Journal's "25 Most Influential Washington Women Under 35." She is an international public speaker on family and culture issues.